Playing catch-up again... Here is a bag I made for Wood is Good with Kaite Rubin. It is cherrywood, with bronze and copper hardware, and a clothesline strap. I need to get in the habit of WIP pictures again...
It has an indent on the back for perfectly fitting on my hip, and made to protect those oh so fragile little things I end up carrying to and from school. Overall, it took 3 weeks to do... 2 weeks of that was chiseling out the inside.
This is a copper mask and collar piece. The prompt for the assignment was to create a piece that is a response to today's beauty standards. There are women who have been raised to be rather silent in their opinions, that emotion is a negative thing and should not be expressed. They are taught to go along with whatever else is going on, and to not "stir the pot" with their own opinions.
In response, I created this piece, as stating that a good women is silent and obedient. The collar part has a D-ring attached to it, a way to restrain, and the shape of the collar restrains the movement of the head. If the head slouches, or turns, the collar digs into the neck and collarbone. The jaw and mouth piece do not completely restrict speaking, but they do make the process of it very uncomfortable. The speaker mesh represents a filter of words.
Materials are copper and sterling silver, took 3 weeks to create. The back is fastened with a belt, and the speaker mesh is from an old boombox.
Great projects! You should do some studio shots with them.